45 everyday actions to Sustainability

45 easy Sustainable ideas for everyday use in your life.

For most of us, trying to improve the environment and living a sustainable lifestyle is challenging because of modern life demands. For example, We need electricity to power our homes, gasoline to power our vehicles, plastics for containers, and other things.

It is even discouraging when you see others not doing something or think that climate change is a hoax.

What most of us haven’t realized is that Sustainability is easy and can be seamless. Even doing simple day-to-day acts in a certain way can contribute to minimizing our impact and improving the planet. We have assembled a simple everyday action list that can lead to changes that can be sustainable and helpful for the future.

Awesomenez understands the big question. How do you make a difference that can help our planet and future generations? We are only one person or one family!

Awesomenez is a fun, learning, travel, and e-commerce place for all our friends worldwide to be part of the solution. We will provide you with the knowledge and options that work on being sustainable, regardless of what shade of Green you are. We will work vigorously and listen to the science and educators on the progress and innovations. We will take this knowledge and improve on current standards and simplify guidelines and send them your way. For Sustainability to be the norm, it must be seamless and effortless.

Shopping and learning with Awesomenez will be seamless and effortless through our affiliate partners’ programs and direct partners. The positive impact created will send a signal to companies letting them know we want clean recyclable products. Also, Awesomenez will support various projects from non-for-profits that have a clear impact on living creatures and the planet. Please look at our top menu to see what organizations we are supporting.

1. Store food in reusable containers. IE: glass or ceramic

2. Use a dishwashing machine once full instead of washing by hand.

3. When showing faster is better.

4. Replace your old showerhead with a high-efficiency showerhead.

5. If possible, use an air dryer or bamboo paper when drying your hands, not paper

6. Reduce eating meat, start having vegetarian dishes from time to time

7. Know the correct shelf life of food and ingredients. Don’t let them spoil. Also financially beneficial

8. Do not put warm food in the refrigerator. Let it cool first.

9. Make your bread and customize it to your liking. It is lots of fun.

10. Unplug appliances that are not being used and protect them from black and brownouts.

11. Turn off your computer when you are not working or when you are sleeping.

12. I know this one is hard; dry your clothes on the clothesline or use a dryer when it is full.

13. Turn off the lights when you are leaving the room or set up timers.

14. Make a compost pile in your garden or backyard if possible and use it to fertilize your plants.

15. Water your plants using a water container instead of a hose. (only if the hose is leaking)

16. Use a barrel to catch rain and use the water on your plants on sunny or dry days.

17. When every possible, set up your garden and grow your food, i.e., tomatoes, celery, and others

18. Plant natural insect repellents

19. Plant a tree and tend to its needs (Usually the first two years after that its good to go)

20. Plant flowering plants are suitable for birds and bees, then gift the flowers.

21. Invest in electric rechargeable razors

22. Use solar walkway lights instead of floodlights or spotlights

23. Avoid single-use items like plastic bags, cups, and utensils. It is suitable for the planet and your pocket.

24. Do not buy plastic utensils; use wooden or stainless-steel instead.

25. In some cities, paper or plastic bags or not allowed. Bring reusable carrier bags. Customize your bag.

26. Buy used items. It is very fashionable and stylish

27. Buy from companies that believe in being sustainable. They use the three primary pillars of Sustainability.

28. This next one is hard! Say no to fur and ivory.

29. Only order meals that you can finish.

30. Say no to bottled water. Buy a reusable water bottle instead.

31. I can do this one all year; instead of buying small containers of ice cream, buy one large tub

32. Buy items with high shelf life like spices, beans, dried fruits, and canned goods in bulk.

33. Carry with your reusable straws, or do away with straws altogether. Many clubs and restaurants stop using them.

34. Switch to LED light bulbs and get the same brightness but with less energy consumption.

35. Try to get your appliances and electronics fixed first before throwing them away.

36. Opt for online or electronic transactions or billing whenever possible. Paper billing is in the past.

37. Switch out physical mail to electronic mail.

38. Avoid like the plague rush hour.

39. Try to use carpool with coworkers or with a service.

40. Walk when traveling or traversing short distances.

41. Explore the great outdoors by running, cycling, or hiking (my favorite)

42. Subscribe or switch to green energy providers

43. Invest your money in eco-friendly companies

44. Quit smoking

45. Store and reuse gift bags.